Domestic violence charges can result in a number of instances. In some cases physical violence is not even necessary to constitute a charge. When property is damaged after a domestic dispute, Seattle police can make a domestic violence arrest for an offense called malicious mischief. Malicious mischief is a crime where you are accused of causing intentional damage to another person's property. When the property is a person with whom you share a close relationship, it can be tied to domestic violence. If you are facing malicious mischief or any type of domestic violence charges in Washington, call a Seattle domestic violence defense attorney right away.
Depending on the amount of damage that you cause, a malicious mischief charge can be 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree. The amount of damage you cause is based on the value of the property. A third degree malicious mischief charge results from damage under $750 and a first degree malicious mischief will result from damages $5,000 or more. The more serious the charge, the more likely you are to face harsh penalties. A third degree offense is a gross misdemeanor and second and third malicious mischief offenses are felonies. The best way to avoid the consequences of a conviction is to fight the charges with the aid of a Seattle domestic violence lawyer.
In the heat of an argument people can often make bad decisions. Something as common as knocking over a lamp or punching a wall during a heated argument can result in a criminal charge. People think that malicious mischief offenses are minor charges, but really they can lead to serious punishments so fighting is absolutely essential. Many domestic violence crimes are based solely on the word of the other party. A Seattle domestic violence defense lawyer can help you build a strong defense and challenge the evidence against you.
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