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High-Profile Lawyer Michael Avenatti Arrested on Suspicion of Domestic Violence

Posted by Steve Karimi | Nov 16, 2018 | 0 Comments

Michael Avenatti, a lawyer who became famous by representing porn star Stormy Daniels in her suit against President Donald Trump, has been arrested on suspicion of felony domestic violence. Avenatti was arrested in Los Angeles, California and LAPD confirmed that Avenatti's arrest is an ongoing investigation and they would release more detials as more information comes to light. Avenatti posted $50,000 bail the same evening making a statement that he was confident that would be fully exonerated. Avenatti has expressed political aspirations at a 2020 Presidential bid. A domestic violence accusation may certain certainly clash with these hopes. As if in example, the Vermont Democratic Party canceled Avenatti's upcoming appearances following his arrest and have pledged to refund all tickets purchased to attend the event.

Domestic Violence in Washington State

When it comes to domestic violence charges, the police and prosecutors do not care if the domestic violence was committed in the process of self-defense or even trying to restrain an out-of-control child. In the state of Washington, a person is guilty of domestic violence if they:

  • "Commit a physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or inflict fear of an imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault, on a family or household members;
  • Sexually assault a family or household member; or
  • Stalk one of their family or household members."

What's more is that there are several charges that can also be classified as domestic violence charges. The following list can also amount to domestic violence charges:

The preceding list in not exhaustive and domestic violence charges often occur in situations where you may have felt justified in your actions.

Penalties for Domestic Violence in Washington

The penalties for domestic violence have a wide range. If you are charged and convicted with domestic violence your charge can range from a gross misdemeanor (at the least)to a class A felony (at the most). These charges carry the following potential sentences:

Gross Misdemeanor

"A gross misdemeanor can result in the following penalties:

  • Up to one year of jail time; and
  • A fine of up to $5,000.

Class A Felony

  • A maximum of life in prison; and
  • A fine of up to $50,000.

Domestic violence is also a "strike" crime and can stick with you for the rest of your life. Crimes like this can sometimes hinder you from certain job opportunities and from obtaining a loan or getting into college.

Contact the Law Offices of Steve Karimi

Domestic violence charges are very serious charges and can have huge implications for your future. If you have been charged with any domestic violence crime, it is important that you seek legal representation immediately. Domestic violence defense attorney Steve Karimi is here to help. Mr. Karimi has been named a "top-rated" defense attorney in the King County area. He is a former prosecutor who now uses his knowledge and insight into legal strategies to fight for the rights of the accused. Contact the Law Offices of Steve Karimi today!

About the Author

Steve Karimi

Steve Karimi attended Pepperdine University School of Law. After graduation he worked as a prosecutor in Seattle where he gained valuable insight to the criminal justice system. Attorney Karimi uses his experiences as a prosecutor everyday only now he fights for the justice of those accused.


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If you have been charged with a domestic violence related crime in Seattle, call The Law Offices of Steve Karimi right now. You will speak to a Seattle criminal attorney who cares about your case and wants to help you get great results. Call us at 206-660-6200 or complete the form in the sidebar.

Domestic Violence Defense

Attorney Steve Karimi is a former prosecutor who can use his knowledge and experience to defend you. He has a proven record of successfully defending domestic violence clients. When it comes to your future, make sure you have the best legal representation in town.